Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Visiting the neighbours

This is Daniel Tiger. He also likes exploring his neighbourhood.
I used to have another blog and from time to time I'd visit my neighbour blogs (if you look at the top of the screen there is a link to Next blog>> and I'd go from there.
Mmmm hmmm.
So let's see who else is in the neighbourhood - and we can leave them a comment here and there too to wish them a Happy New Year.

So I am walking out my virtual driveway and walk towards the... right.
*knocking on the door*

It's The Same Deep Water As You.
It has a tool down the side with tweets. I have got to get me one of those.
It seems to be about music. About The Cure in particular. The Man would probably like this page.
Oh. But it's in Spanish. I don't know Spanish. If Honey could read I am sure she could translate it for me thanks to Dora The Explorer, but she is at kinder today.
I think I'll leave a comment and then visit someone else.

*hops over the fence*

And here we find Lots O Worms.
It seems to be about knitting.
She has also written a post about 'Resolutionists' - fantastic. The link is right here.
But she hasn't posted for a while, so I might head to the house next door.
But first I'll leave a message for her...

*crosses the road*

Here is My Life - which appears to be a family blog. Lots of links to other family blogs down the side.
The most recent post is about a pup called Dundee who had passed away.
I don't think I should comment on that.
Maybe leave them in peace and go to the next blog.

This is an o-l-d blog from 2011 called Cup O'Cake Designs. Lots of crafty baby gift things. The skull and crossbones here is pretty cool.

One more blog before I go home for lunch...

Ang Grams. The top post says that she has hidden this blog. Kind of like redirected mail I suppose. Anyway, I found it. It hasn't been posted on since 2010. Maybe I won't leave a message because it might be a bit weird to get a comment from a post you posted three years earlier.

Right - I'm going home to ninjamidgets now. And I suppose I better do some work.

It's New Year's Eve!

It's also the last day of December and I am at work, working.
My photo challenge suffered a massive technological fail and it didn't happen did it?
I promise - the photos have been taken.
The photos are on my laptop, but I have 15000 photos on there (I KNOW! How does that happen?) and I. Can't. Get. Them. To. Do. What. I. Want.
So annoyed with technology.
But here is a meme to make up for it:
I love memes. It's my new thing.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

It's Christmas time

Look at me!
I'm blogging from my phone!
I really am wondering if I will get to take all 365 photos before next Tuesday night, but I smashed out 30 photos tonight in a couple of hours so it might be possible.
I'm at my mum and dad's in Melbourne, quaffing moscato on their couch.
So let's do some maths.
I think I've taken about 130 photos, which leaves 230 left. There are six days left for 2013, which means I need to take a minimum of 40 photos a day each day.
It could happen...

Friday, December 20, 2013

Photobomb - Dec 20 2013 (it's a big 'un)

OK then.
I'm catching up.
 MOVEMENT: This man never stops moving. And he's so quiet while he does it. He really is a ninja.
 1 O'CLOCK: At 1pm at work I was ready to break out the lollies. They didn't last long.
 SURPRISE: What surprises does the owner of this belly have in store. It's a mystery?
 SOMETHING YOU DON'T LIKE: I do not like pasta meals. I do not like them at all, and when I was presented with this meal, I threw a hissy fit and refused to eat it.
 3 O'CLOCK: At 3pm I should have probably refilled the poppies at work, but I figured the basket looked full enough.
 FEAR: This is a very real fear of mine. This car space is right next to the pedestrian walk way, and the owner of this car reversed into it backwards faster than I'd drive into it forwards (and I am a mad driver).
I took this photo just after I thought this car was going to hit the car next to it (and my car too). Then today I was arguing with Honey about holding my hand across the pedestrian crossing, which is just to the right of where I took this picture, and an over-keen driver in a Toorak tractor almost hit Honey as the driver was racing into the car spot near the entrance to the shopping centre. If I hadn't grabbed Honey's hand and she had have moved to where she wanted to go, she'd be Honey mincemeat right now.
And sorry about the sermon, but I am afraid of idiot drivers.
 9 O'CLOCK: Needed medicine because I was having an allergic reaction to KFC. This place 'opens at 9am'. It turns out that it does not.
UPSIDE DOWN: The prompt says it all. Buddy was having a great time hanging around with his Poppy
 MIRROR: We were waiting for Honey to go to the tiny toilet, and Buddy was checking out the bloke in the mirror. I love this picture because he looks like he is thinking 'Who do you think you're looking at?'
 WATER: The water fountain near my work.
 MAILBOX: This Australia Post letterbox looks a bit vintage, and is located somewhere near the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Bendigo. I think it's in Forest Street?
7 O'CLOCK: This is one of the stations along the train line to Melbourne. Once upon a time I was getting the train home from work and the peak hour carriage was full. The train stopped here and all of a sudden a man said that someone had left their bag behind and then bowled it underarm off the carriage and onto the platform. Five minutes after we left the station, one of the other passengers asked where her shopping bag had gone.
It was funny, but the passenger whose shopping was gone was not so happy.
11 O'CLOCK: At work again. It was time to take my 11am photo and I banged my head on this trolley. I'm not even sure how I did it.
 RED, WHITE OR BLUE: And a bit of green for good measure. I took this photo on Pearl Harbor Day so I had hoped to get something USA-related but it was not to be.
 WHERE YOU ARE: This is where I am most weekends.
 MACRO: A close up of the crocheted flowers that have sprung up on the Shrine Reserve.
 2 O'CLOCK: These gentlemen were only too happy to have their photo taken.
 4 O'CLOCK: My lovely friend Elvie. She didn't like this picture, but I think its great.
MADE ME SMILE: I got off the train at Flinders Street, and all I could hear was Christmas carols. It was the first time I'd heard carols (other than Michael Buble on the supermarket sound system) and it made me smile.
10 O'CLOCK: Someone delievered these flowers and asked me did I know who they were for. Poor Mr Baillieu seems to have already fallen out of people's memories.
 8 O'CLOCK: The view from up the top of the escalators at Southern Cross Railway Station.
 BELOW: This photo was taken from well below the Christmas tree in the middle of the city.
 TREAT: Nutella is a treat, right? Especially for someone like me who lives in a Nutella-free house.
 5 O'CLOCK: I was ready to escape. I *think* I tidied the desk before I went. I can't remember.
WHERE YOU ATE BREAKFAST: I usually have my breakfast here. And I always eat the same thing.
 COMMUNICATION: We couldn't leave the doctor's waiting room until Honey had spoken to Gran on the phone.
 QUIRKY: Taken at the Echuca Wharf. It is quite quirky, yes?
 NO!: Honey's favourite word. Just after this photo was taken she yelled at me 'NO!' which is pretty much the sum total of what she says to me these days.
 6 O'CLOCK: One of the stations along the Lilydale line. If you look closely you can see that someone has tagged the window. That is how good my new camera phone is.
 SHADOW: My big man Buddy was quite excited to pose for my shadow photo. He crawls like the wind so it was a bit tricky getting all of him and his shadow in the shot.
 I SHOP HERE: I took this photo two weeks ago (is that how long its been since I've posted pictures?) at the Beechworth Bakery in Echuca.
 THIS IS THE WEATHER TODAY: Warm enough for a summer dress and things, but wet enough for puddles. Ridiculous weather - December needs to get itself in order.
 R IS FOR...: Riverboats. Or river. Or redgums. I took this photo on the morning I popped up to Echuca for a visit.
 GREEN: This is on Melbourne's Southbank. I'm pretty sure it used to be at the Art Gallery. Or maybe it wasn't...
 JOY IS...: Hanging out with my favourite lady, Honey.
COMPOSITION: I seem to have a lot of nail polish. It looked so good after putting them on the shelf that they now live there.

Where are all the photos?

Oh dear.
What happened to my photo challenge?
I'll tell you what happened...
I have taken a MOUNTAIN of photos, but I have not had the time to post them up.
I know - lame.
But here's the thing - tomorrow I am going to take 100 photos that fit in with the FMS photo prompts. Maybe even more than 100 pictures and that should sort me out.
I figure we are two thirds of the way through December, and I need to have taken two thirds of 365 pictures... does some maths... I need to have taken about 240 photos.
And I've already taken *checks* 54 photos so I guess that means I will be very busy tomorrow.
Prepare for an onslaught of photos...


Thursday, December 05, 2013

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Photobomb - Dec 4 2013

TINY: These feet belong to the gorgeous Miss J, who is the little sister of Honey's bestie. So so tiny (especially compared to my huge Buddy boy)

 I DID THIS TODAY: Took the little people to Tumble Tots where Honey played with her bestie and Buddy felt rejected because I was all about cuddling Miss J (see the above photo)

 KITCHEN: I could have tidied it up, but it is what it is.

 MY NAME BEGINS WITH...: M. Well, not it doesn't really. But the name I am most frequently called by is Mum (or MUUUUUUUUM, or MAMAMAMAMA) and so here we have an M. But it's not really a letter M. It's the Big W sign upside down, but this is also apt because I spend half my life in this store, and it's upside down, which is how I feel being in this store during the Christmas period.

 WHAT IS THIS?: I bought this today. My mum had one for years (and probably still does have it). I was so excited to find one, and pleasantly surprised to see it was cheaper to buy than I thought. Hint: the first thing I used it for was dim sims.

 EARTH: This is planet Earth. Its one of many in the 'dinosaur shop' at the shopping centre. You can also get them in pink - because really, its a Barbie World.

 SHOES: 'Monkey shoes!' shrieked Honey when she saw these. She is an enormous fan of Paul Frank and she wears his range of 'monkey knickers'.

 WHERE YOU STOOD: Buddy boy is very busy lately pulling himself up on things, something that Honey didn't do until she was much older. He'll be walking soon. Eeek.

SOMETHING YELLOW: Buddy would eat these all day every day if he could. Shortly after this picture was taken, these bananas were gone.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Photobomb - Dec 3 2013

 HEART: The date that this prompt is from (Jan 3), is the birthday of one of the girls in the Girl Guide unit where I help out. One of the other girls drew a heart and filled it with glitter for me to photograph. Thanks MR and LS-B!

WTF?: This is a photo of a photo in the Herald Sun today. Is Buddy Franklin wearing a sports bra? Why? I can't imagine his pecs are saggy enough to need it. I don't think there is any part of Buddy Franklin that's saggy to be honest.

SILVER: I spilt a container of silver glitter accidentally on purpose and took a photo of it. So sparkle!