Saturday, December 19, 2015


So a few weeks ago, I decided that I would start eating more healthy food. I have not had the happiest 2015, and have decided that 2016 will be THE YEARand that I am going to do all sorts of things to make myself HAPPY.

One of the things I am doing, is improving my eating habits. Back in the day (er, a month ago) I could scull down a 600ml Coke in a wink of an eye, I could gobble down a Double Quarter Pounder (with chicken sauce) in minutes, and I could make every excuse under the sun about why I was allowed, no! DESERVED any sweet or savoury treat that my heart desired.
And then I realised that I was almost proud(?) that my weight wasn't in the triple figures, but I tell you what, it was and is pretty bloody close. So now I have been looking into food that the cavemen would eat - nice simple food, bulked up with vegies that won't overload my system with sugar and bad fats and rubbish, and so far, I have lost about 4kgs with not much effort.
One of the things I've been doing is overhauling the diets of everyone in my house, so all of us are eating my food, instead of me looking longingly at them eating fish and chips.
One of the things I've tried are smoothies. I found this smoothie on the
Paleo Grubs website, and had it for breakfast. Chocolate for breakfast, and it makes me loose weight. Winning!

Mint Choc Chip Smoothie

Here's to my pursuit of happiness!

Yes, listening to the Minion song (according to Honey that is what it is called) a hundred times is annoying, but it IS a very happy song.

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